runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wood trees and fruit trees in Farm.

Growing trees and fruit trees are completely different to other plants, in that there is an intermediate growing stage where the seeds must be grown into a sapling before being planted into a cleared patch.
First, an empty plant pot may be used on any farming patch, even if something is growing in it, with a gardening trowel in the player's inventory to fill the plant pot with soil. Use a single seed on a filled plant pot with the gardening trowel still in the player's inventory and water it with a watering can.
At this point, the seed has grown into seedling. After a few minutes, the seedling will grow into a sapling, which can then be planted in a cleared patch. In order to do this, the player must have a spade in their inventory. Add compost or supercompost to the cleared patch before transplanting the sapling. Seedlings and saplings are unable to become diseased while growing in a plant pot. However, once a sapling is planted in a patch, it can become diseased and needs to be protected using the methods in the section, keeping the crops alive. Seedlings and saplings are not tradeable.
Like bushes, major experience is gained in the Farming skill by checking on the tree's or fruit tree's health, not in planting it or harvesting its fruit (see Seed Table).

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