runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Sunday, January 16, 2011

War ship and Shantay Disclaimer in runescape!

Here I will show examples of discontinued items in runescape, the first I will say something of here you will not meet War ships were predecessors of playable toys from RuneScape Classic. They were rendered untradeable upon transition to RuneScape 2, and are considered among the rarest of items today. The war ship was once found in Glough's house in the Gnome Stronghold during The Grand Tree quest. It was only available on RuneScape Classic but some people kept them during the transition to RuneScape 2 and still have them in the current game. You can still get a warship on RuneScape Classic from the Re-Release.
The another items of discontinued in runescape is shantay disclaimer, you will not familiar whith The Shantay disclaimer and it is a basic item that used to be given to players when passing through the Shantay Pass. It is was a disclaimer, saying that no responsibility is taken if the player dies in the desert. It was always pretty much a useless item, and its only use was to abbreviate the guard chat by two clicks if you carried it through on a subsequent passage. This was replaced by the Shantay Pass which acts as payment to get through the pass.
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