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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fall in love with Runescape!

Do you know the song of 'I will always love you'? Have you hear it already? May be it is not strange for you and you will hear it in some place and some other situation. But do you know who write the song and how to write the song by the writer? Here you can get the message of I will always love you.
One day the writer are suffer internet and browse the website as usual, it just want to find something which can reduce his tired, and he want to find some feeling which will help him to write a popular song. But he always won't get the things he want to get. Suddenly he find an interesting article which are introduc the game of Runescape, the article have attract his eyes and he went to the website and register an account to play the game, at first he just want to find does the game are interesting or not, as he play the game of runescape, then he feel it is very happy when he play the game, in the game he meet a player who are woman, and he always have meet the player then he went to chat with the player they often get together to accomplish the task and fight with others, share their runescape gold and do runescape powerleveling for each other, as the time past they are fall in love with each other. But it just in games in the real life they just as a stranger to each other, one day the woman told the man that he will no longer play the game of runescape because of he have get a serious illness and she have not many time to play the game and she
should to cure the illness though she know the illness can not to cure. The man hear the news he feel very sad, but he could do nothing except prayer god bless she. He want to write something to record the emotion which between them. He have a feeling and write the song of I will always love you. At last the
song is very popular around the world.
After the words do you have a special feeling with the game of runescape? Do you hope your journey have some special things? Did you want to find another part of yours in the game? Just play the game of runescape then you can feel the heppiness which game brings for you.

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