runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Saturday, January 29, 2011

High level using high weapons in Runescape.

For smithing skill user, As your smithing skill have arrival 90, you can make your own runescape scimitar for 2 runescape bars, Rune Scimitars give 150-smithing experience for you. Rune Scimitars give a +45-slash bonus for attack and a +1-defense bonus for slash, so if you are going to use the Rune Scimitar for battle, slashing is the way to go. You will also get a +44-strength bonus. The Rune Scimitar goes by a couple different names; Rune scimmy and R scimmy are the most common. Low Alchemy and Store Price is 10240 gold, High Alchemy is 15360. There is about a 5,000 gold difference, so if you can use High Alchemy, it is worth it. The Grand Exchange has the lowest price set to 15,080 and the highest at 16,093. These prices go up and down frequently and it could change tomorrow.
They are located Northwest of Falador. If you fight a mount number of goblins, you will get more experience, because of Goblins provide good experience points and they are fast to kill. This will allow you to get to level 40 attact very quickly. And if you do not want to kill goblins it is always better to kill monsters with lower experience points but faster deaths than ones with slower deaths and more experience points. Goblins are excellent because they do not have very high hits, and thus you can kill more without having to eat. If you are a high level, you may never have to eat. If you think goblins are too slow for experience points, try the Stronghold of Security or the Stronghold of Player Safety, they are my favorite places to train. You also can using runescape gold to buy runescape powerleveling and runesape weapons.

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