runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The details of food to add hit point.

As you play runescape you will meet some problems and you will have puzzled and if you have system knowledge of runescape I believe you will have a good future when you play the game.
As you know the beef will add you 3 hit point, trout will bring you 7 hit point and the same as the half an apple pie will also provide 7 hit point for you, a slice of cake will give you 5 hit point. You can get more information when you play it by yourself.
Here some one also want to know if I want to kill dragon which food I will take will be the best? Here I will give you some details, if you a member of runescape you can follow the two ways and you should pay attention that suit for member.
One way is take monkfish, as the monkfish are just need you pay about 300-370Gp, so it is the best choice for you to bring monkfish when you want to kill dragon, when you use the monkfish by one time it will recover your 16 hit point, you also can bring a bottle of energy potion and strength potion, that will give you more help.
The second way is you can carry Pineapple pizza and it will spend you about 500Gp, but if you use it in time it will give you 22 hit point as you use by twice. Here you should pay attention if you will kill the dragon which in the wilderness, you should make sure your prayer at above 37 and for the best are 43, or you will easy to be killed by Revs, if you want to choose the dragon you should select the level at 89-91, then the Rev won’t attack you.
You should notice you won’t kill at the PVP world, otherwise you will be killed.

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