runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Train cooking tips!!!

Going to the rogues den and cooking lobsters/tuna/swordfish (there is a bank nearby) is a good way to train cooking skill. For lower levels is to go to the Gunnarsgrunn fishing spot. Then on a quiet world collect the fish that fisherman drop and cook that fish on the fireplace in the Peksa's Helmet Shop in Gunnarsgrunn, or simply bring supplies to create a fire from a nearby tree and cook what you gather than drop it or bank it. This is also helpful to do on World 1 (F2P) or 2 (P2P), and just ask for raws. If you are doing this enough, you will begin to gain community recognition and once the raw givers start to recognise you, they may give to you more often.
As a higher level is to go to Musa Point in Karamja (where F2P players fish for raw swordfish and lobsters) and pick up dropped raw tuna and lobsters. Simply use the ship in Port Sarim, paying the 30gp fee(or wearing ring of charos(a) for free) to travel back and forth between ports (or using the Explorer's ring 3 teleport). Take the raws to the range in Port Sarim and cook the fish, then deposit them in the deposit box next to the Monks of Entrana. Going back and forth, taking the discarded raws, cooking them, and banking them for later sale is good money, but slower experience. Also, for faster money tips, go west of the general store on Musa Point. The man named Stiles will note your cooked or uncooked fish. This can allow players to have large amounts of fish before going back to Port Sarim. Or bring along a hatchet and some logs and cook fish on-the-spot. Then bank or sell for profit to nearby store.
For members is to steal fish from the fish monger in Rellekka then cook them at the nearby range. You may choose to drop these or deposit them to Peer the Seer if you are wearing Fremennik boots.

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