runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Runescape of Dwarven Mine

Requires lvl 15 Dungeoneering to enter, but contains 3 silver rocks, 13 coal rocks and 6 mithril rocks, along with a bank deposit box. This mining location is by far the closest location to a bank/deposit box in Runescape, and therefore it is a very favourable place to mine, especially in free to play servers.
Living Rock Caverns
The living rock cavern has Concentrated coal rocks and Concentrated gold rocks, which can be mined for multiple amounts of ore, gaining fast amounts of experience, and with the nearby deposit box, you gain good amounts of money from it. You need 77 and 80 Mining for coal and gold respectively.
Arzinian Mine
After completing the Between a Rock... quest, members can access the largest gold mine in the game, with over 100 gold rocks. Players must talk to Dondakan while wearing a Gold helmet in order to access it. To leave the mine, simply remove the helmet or log off and log in again. The mine is very far from a bank; however, a short ways away, there is a dwarf who will deliver Gold ore to the bank for you in exchange for a 20% cut of the profits, rounded up. The fee is halved if the player is wearing a Ring of Charos.

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