runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Onel's banned Runescape account.

Do you have heard the news of Onel's runescape account have been banned? May be you do not know the details here you can read the follow words.
If you love basketball, or you are a fan of NBA match, you will not strange with the all stars of Kobe and Onel, but do you know they have some secret things for you unknown? Yes, you will not heard before, and I just have heard by his friends who write the secret on the website and I have read the article here I will introduce some words for you and you will get the things you interesting.
One day, there is no match and after training, Kobe as usual went home to play his 'runescape' when he enter into the character he find Onel are also in the game, Kobe get a little surprise, he know Onel has a match today and now he is matching, 'Does someone stolen his account?'Kobe thought and he chat with Onel and he want to prove the one are him or not.But the one are not answering him, Kobe are angry and he say some rubbish words for the player, and the player are using the same words for Kobe, then Kobe logout the account and he waitting for Onel's match end then he told Onel that his runescape account has been stolen. But Onel just laugh and then he told him it is a mistake, because of he have no enough time to play game, so he ask someone help he do runescape powerleveling for him...As listened this Kobe understand that his character have upgrade so quickly are using cheating. After that Kobe are often laugh at Onel. So they have some unhappy things.
After that Kobe often say Onel are cheating in the game, he told the secret for other NBA stars and his friends, Onel have heard the things he is very angry and he asked someone stolen Kobe's account and he give the details about Kobe's account so after a week later Kobe are always can not login his account and then he ask sb for help, but the account have been changed and he can't get it back, Kobe think that nobody know his account except Onel, so he went to look for Onel want to he can give the account back for he, but Onel do not answer him. Kobe want to fight with him but Onel is too strong so he have to go home, and he write a letter to the runescape game holder and said that Onel have cheating on the game. At last Onel's runescape account has been banned.

The first blood in the runescape.

You are not strange with the film of the first blood, and here you can guess what I will say in the following words? Runescape powerleveling Classic had their own type of notes as well. Instead of having noted items, they had Certificates. Also known as certs. These certs equaled five of every item. Therefore, instead of one note per one item, they had one cert per five items. The Banks were very hard to use, as only one player could talk to one NPC at a time. So people often sat in a bank for long periods of time just waiting to be able to even get into their bank. After they finally got in, there was a withdraw and deposit limit! So trading large amounts of items took even longer.
They also allowed at one point to be able to duel anywhere in the world. You could just walk up to someone, right click, and click duel. Players liked this idea for more than one reason. For one, you could get to Lumbridge fast because as long as you didn't stake anything, you wouldn't loose any items. They liked this feature because if they were training and a person walked up, they could duel over the training spot. This saved players a lot of time because they didn't have to switch worlds to find a less crowded area. They removed this feature because players could run away and the duel would not end, and players could bank the staked items. So, to fix this problem, Jagex built the Dueling Arena.
Player Killing in Runescape Classic was a whole different world. In the beginning, you could be killed everywhere except Lumbridge, or if you designated yourself as NPK which stands for Non-Player Killers. Along with that, There was no running in Runescape  gold Classic, so catching your pray was much easier. In addition, you could not eat during a battle, and you could not run until 3 turns of attacks happened. So more than often, did PKers catch unsuspecting players in the old days?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

High level using high weapons in Runescape.

For smithing skill user, As your smithing skill have arrival 90, you can make your own runescape scimitar for 2 runescape bars, Rune Scimitars give 150-smithing experience for you. Rune Scimitars give a +45-slash bonus for attack and a +1-defense bonus for slash, so if you are going to use the Rune Scimitar for battle, slashing is the way to go. You will also get a +44-strength bonus. The Rune Scimitar goes by a couple different names; Rune scimmy and R scimmy are the most common. Low Alchemy and Store Price is 10240 gold, High Alchemy is 15360. There is about a 5,000 gold difference, so if you can use High Alchemy, it is worth it. The Grand Exchange has the lowest price set to 15,080 and the highest at 16,093. These prices go up and down frequently and it could change tomorrow.
They are located Northwest of Falador. If you fight a mount number of goblins, you will get more experience, because of Goblins provide good experience points and they are fast to kill. This will allow you to get to level 40 attact very quickly. And if you do not want to kill goblins it is always better to kill monsters with lower experience points but faster deaths than ones with slower deaths and more experience points. Goblins are excellent because they do not have very high hits, and thus you can kill more without having to eat. If you are a high level, you may never have to eat. If you think goblins are too slow for experience points, try the Stronghold of Security or the Stronghold of Player Safety, they are my favorite places to train. You also can using runescape gold to buy runescape powerleveling and runesape weapons.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

About Runescape guide.

I love to hunt in Runescape. It is a very fun skill and I spent a week out in the wild leveling up in it. I enjoyed it very much, I have not heard too much on how to level up your hunting fast,but I will tell you a good method I have invented.
From level 1 to 7, hunt Polar Kebbits. From 7 to 13, hunt Deldip Weasels. After you have reached level 13, start hunting Desert Devils. Hunt on them until you reach level 23. Then start hunting Wild Kebbits. When you hit level 33, start hunting the Barbtailed Kebbit. Hunt on those until you reach level 49.
When you reach level 49, start hunting the Razorbacked Kebbit. Hunt on those until you reach level 66. Then start hunting the Pawya.runescape powerleveling  Hunt the Pawya until you get to the level 77. Then hunt the Grenwall until you are level 99! While we are on the topic, let me tell you about fishing. As I told you, I prefer fishing at Catherby, You can easily fish at the shore, than when you get a full inventory go bank them.
I prefer to fish lobsters at Catherby and cook them, then bank them at the near by bank. But, if you are not interested in fishing, I suggest getting level 60 cooking by cooking anything you can get your hands on, then buy as many lobsters as it takes to get to level 99. Of course this takes money, and if you are short on cash then you will want to fish your own. If you are looking to make money, do not cook the fish. However, if you want to level both the fishing AND the cooking, there is a house right next to the bank where you can cook them. runescape gold I suggest keeping at least 2 banks slots open, one for cooked and one for burnt. Then when you are done fishing you can just withdraw the burnt fish as a note and you wont have to mess with dropping each one individually.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Good way to get runescape help for player.

How crazy I want to say to the player who have play online game in a week and have not sleep in these days, I have to say he is crazy. You can thinking if your side have the person like this what did you will do? The things really happen in my around and the person is my friend.
As you know the game of Runescape is a popular game around the some country and for it is RPG game, so many player are willing to spend money for the role whom act. My friend is a fan of runescape, he have play the game for many years and his runescape account have more excellent equipments, enough runescape gold, high runescape level, but he still want to make his runescape account become more perfect, so he stick to play the game. No matter who persuade and what you did you say he just play games as he like.
You may ask does he do not need to work? And does his parents do not ask him? His father have baught a house for he,and he is not live in with his parents so his parents have not know what he did after he graduate from the school. As his study is well he have a work when he graduate and when he work he begain to fall in love with the game of runescape. But he is not satisfied with his job and he do not work in a while, his parents and his sister always give he money in the end of the month. So he just to stay in the front of computer and just play games for waste time.
As time past he suddenly find when he play games for long time he feel a little tired and his body have appear a little uncomfortable, so he went to the hospital. The doctor told him do not to play the game in the future time, or his body will turned more serious and if he go on playing game his hair will take off and it will difficult to cure it, but my friend have not notice careful, then he just play the game as usual, one day I suddenly been told his hair have begain to take off. He begain to realize the things are not simple and he want to me can help him, so I suggest he to the hospital and give up to playing the game if he want to play game I can ask the profession game website to help him which is and the details are my friends contact with the website.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Career player of Runescape.

Many runescape player put the runescape as a career in their life. And some of them are have get into the habit of playing games, they can have not eat,drink,even sleep, but they could not give up play games.
One of my frined like play computer game and he often spend money to the internet bar for make a team to play game then you will find at the following days he will stay at the internet bar for 2-3 days then he will go home to sleep, you will ask me does he not work? I just want to say he and me hate to work. But he is rich. So I have to work.
One day I find a website who give the service of runescape powerleveling it attract me and I want to introduce the website of to my friends. Then he have time to work and do other things, at first he not allowed and he just want to play the game by himself but after a little time he find me and want me can give the website address to him, because his hair have take off some. Doctor told him do not surfer internet in long time and he notice the things have become an important problems but he do not want to give up the game of runescape, so he just want to find some one can help he go on the game.
The website address I give him and he contact with the person, at last they have do an agreement to each other, the website will help he do ruenscape powerleveling and he just pay a little money for the website. The website also make many runescape gold for him. So my friends have decided to go on work. And after a while, as the diet and sleep are in common so his hair have grow again, but he won't spend long time to play the game again.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fall in love with Runescape!

Do you know the song of 'I will always love you'? Have you hear it already? May be it is not strange for you and you will hear it in some place and some other situation. But do you know who write the song and how to write the song by the writer? Here you can get the message of I will always love you.
One day the writer are suffer internet and browse the website as usual, it just want to find something which can reduce his tired, and he want to find some feeling which will help him to write a popular song. But he always won't get the things he want to get. Suddenly he find an interesting article which are introduc the game of Runescape, the article have attract his eyes and he went to the website and register an account to play the game, at first he just want to find does the game are interesting or not, as he play the game of runescape, then he feel it is very happy when he play the game, in the game he meet a player who are woman, and he always have meet the player then he went to chat with the player they often get together to accomplish the task and fight with others, share their runescape gold and do runescape powerleveling for each other, as the time past they are fall in love with each other. But it just in games in the real life they just as a stranger to each other, one day the woman told the man that he will no longer play the game of runescape because of he have get a serious illness and she have not many time to play the game and she
should to cure the illness though she know the illness can not to cure. The man hear the news he feel very sad, but he could do nothing except prayer god bless she. He want to write something to record the emotion which between them. He have a feeling and write the song of I will always love you. At last the
song is very popular around the world.
After the words do you have a special feeling with the game of runescape? Do you hope your journey have some special things? Did you want to find another part of yours in the game? Just play the game of runescape then you can feel the heppiness which game brings for you.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Joking of Economic crisis!

Do you still remember the economic crisis in the USA? As you know the crisis at that time has influence all of the world, some of the people and family are influencen by the crisis of economic. I believe some of them still remember clearly and the crisis has make them lost many things, but do you know the reason of that economic crisis? Maybe you will according the media knew the reason about the crisis but I want to tell you some other reason which are led to the economic crisis happens.
Runescape are popular online game in USA, different people in different position and career's people are like the game of runescape, but some people who work in the bank are also love play the game of runescape, they are play the game not rest time but work time thay are have time they will play the game, and they are so like play the game then they have many mistake for their client and then make mistake become more important, some of the people are often using the clients money to buy runescape gold for they runescape account, so they using many of the money but they have not return the money in time so they make money miss when they play the game. Some of the people are realized the problem are become more serious but they have enough money to return the money back. They are still spend the money to the game of runescape, as the problem been find it is too late to save the situation and the economic crisis have been happen. You will not agree the reason of I said, but I want to tell you it is a good way to relax, but you should control yourself.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Runescape gold store.

Here maybe you want to have more runescape gold and runescape powerleveling. And many of them want to using different way to get the items of runescape. Somebody like play online games, some of them are spend more time on the game which have influence their work, study, and other thing. But there are still
many people are loving play games. Because they have different understanding with the meaning of game. So they like play games for to reduce their pressure. And they will enjoy the happiness when they play the game of runescape.
One of my friends whom also a fan of runescape, he have play the game in 7 years. His runescape account have a high level and he always want to become
millions in runescape so he want to know the message of make money he also spend money to get the gold of runescape but after he buy in a time he notice that
some website price of runescape are so expensive than the website of  he told me that the website of have many benefits when you
buy gold and other runescape items from the website. The website is a professional game store for who like runescape gold and runescape powerleveling. If you
are a fan of runescape game player you have interesting with the runescape items you can browse to the website go for a look. At there you will get home
service and all of the information will safety for you. He strongly to recommend to me and suggest me to go for a look. I have already went to the website
the price and service of the website are comfortable for people who want to get the runescape items. If you have any problems what puzzled you and you also
can went to the website ask for help.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Looking for money in runescape!

As a player of runescape, are you out looking for great Runescape money making tips? Well, I'm sure you have come across some things that are not quite, what you were after. Fear not, for your quest has come to an end. In my years of playing, I have seen many things. I've seen Runescape evolve, I have seen prices go up and down like a roller coaster, and of course, I have learned many techniques from many people along the road for different things. Because today your here for that chance at Runescape Millions, I think it's only appropriate to give the tips that the big shots use.
You know who I'm talking about. That guy hanging by the bank showing off his dragon armor. No, these are not just rumored glitches that boost your money to millions, and no, they are not hacks. The secret to Runescape Millions is hard work, and patience. Simple, isn't it?
When I had first become interested in getting a lot of money, I learned all about cowhides. It's quick and easy. Grab a sword and head to the cows by Lumbridge. Kill as many as you need for a full inventory, and bank them in the desert. (Its much easier if you have done the Prince Ali Rescue quest and can get through it for free, if not I suggest walking to the Lumbridge bank, which is a little further.) After you get a couple hundred, stand in the desert bank and sell them. The last time I sold them it was around 150gp each, I am not sure how much they are now, I suggest checking the Grand Exchange. If you have a thousand cow hides, and sold them at 150gp each, you would get around 150,000gp. This was great money, and if you kept it up you could get a good million out of it.

Knowledge of runescape bank!

If you play the game of runescape you will find that you will meet somewhere can help you and make you manage your account. The Runescape Banking system can do a lot more than just hold your items. However, because you are only allowed 28 slots for items, the bank offers some extra space for your items. This can come in handy if you want to keep some valuable items. If you die, you will only be able to keep three of your best items on you at the time, unless you have the prayer that allows you to keep one extra item. Even if you do keep one extra, that's still only 4 out of 28. When you bank your items, you protect them from being lost.
You can also store up items that are not normally stackable. For example, if you mine 28 rune essences, then you bank them, they are not going to take up 28 slots in the bank, instead they will take up one slot and stack up. Any item can be stacked in the bank, from Bronze Bars to Dragon Long Swords. This is good because Free to Play members do not have hundreds of slots like the Pay to Play members do. Free to Play does not have nearly as many items though, so they do not need all that space.
Speaking of stackables, you can also withdraw items in "noted" form. This allows your non-stackable items to stack up in your inventory as notes. This is helpful when selling mass quantities of items. Instead of having to make loads of trips to the Grand Exchange, you can make one with all your items noted. If you buy items and they are noted, you can put them into the bank, and withdraw them again (without the noted symbol checked), and you will have the actual items. Noted Items are a great addition to the Runescape Banks, and they help so much with buying and selling.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The result of cheat when play runescape.

When you play the game of RuneScape you will meet some player who are cheating when they are play game such as the following way I will shows for you. You should notice the game rulers of runescape and then you can make your playing more convenience. The Runescape Auto Fighter will "automatically" fight
monsters in Runescape. This allows you to leave the computer and do something else. If your account gets banned for cheating, there is no chance of getting it back. Jagex does NOT give you the proof of your cheating. Here is why:
"Our policy has always been that we do not tolerate any form of cheating. We do not ban accounts lightly. Significant evidence is always collected before any action is taken against a player. We will not reveal the evidence that we have collected, since most cheats only want to know the evidence so that they can
avoid getting caught the next time."As you can see, Jagex does not give any wiggle room when it comes to cheating. Remember, cheaters never win. Mining coal yourself is a much better way. If you do it yourself, you cannot be banned! Then while the thousands of cheaters get banned, you will be making loads of gold. So when you play the game of runescape you should obey the items of runescape rulers and you want to avoid the problem you can buy another excellent account which nearly your account and then you will go on playing your game.
If you have interesting with the items of runescape gold and runescape power leveling you can buy it from the website and then you will get the things which you need.

Auto Woodcutter in RuneScape!

If you are player of runescape, the auto woodcutter will not strange for you. It is a common situation in almost all games online. Some of the players want to have enough runescape gold and want to get a high runescape powerleveling so they will using different method to get the items.  A Runescape auto woodcutter is one of the many macros that have been built for the game of Runescape. A macro is a program that will take control of your account and play the game for you. This is against the rules of the game, and Jagex will easily find and ban anyone that uses these programs. An Auto Woodcutter is built to, as the name states, cut wood. This will allow you to leave your computer while your player will automatically chop wood, getting you experience points. The thing is, if you are not going to play the game, why play the game? That goes for anyone who cheats in any form.
Most of these programs are click the color programs. Therefore, if you were to pick a color of tree, then the program will search that color and then click it over and over. Almost never will you find an actual working program most of them contain keyloggers. Keyloggers are a form of computer virus. They will not harm the computer, but rather harm the person who uses the computer. They can steal your Runescape account, your credit card information, and anything else. They simply "log" every key you type and then send it to the creator. If you type in your Runescape username and password while having one of these viruses on your computer, then you can expect it to be gone. The same goes for your credit card information, if you buy something online after getting a keylogger on your computer, then you have just put yourself in a lot of danger. Imagine having a maxed out credit card just because you wanted to cheat in a game.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

War ship and Shantay Disclaimer in runescape!

Here I will show examples of discontinued items in runescape, the first I will say something of here you will not meet War ships were predecessors of playable toys from RuneScape Classic. They were rendered untradeable upon transition to RuneScape 2, and are considered among the rarest of items today. The war ship was once found in Glough's house in the Gnome Stronghold during The Grand Tree quest. It was only available on RuneScape Classic but some people kept them during the transition to RuneScape 2 and still have them in the current game. You can still get a warship on RuneScape Classic from the Re-Release.
The another items of discontinued in runescape is shantay disclaimer, you will not familiar whith The Shantay disclaimer and it is a basic item that used to be given to players when passing through the Shantay Pass. It is was a disclaimer, saying that no responsibility is taken if the player dies in the desert. It was always pretty much a useless item, and its only use was to abbreviate the guard chat by two clicks if you carried it through on a subsequent passage. This was replaced by the Shantay Pass which acts as payment to get through the pass.
If you want to play the game of runescape you can notice the website and you will get help when you meet problems the website also can give you runescape gold and runescape power leveling which players want to have, the website is . It is a professional site for you to get the runescape gold and runescape power leveling and other runescape items.

Discontinued rare items of runescape.

When you play the game of runescape you should notice the items of the game, if you want to know the latest news you can browse the website of runescape there you can find many news maybe it will be your corcern or you want to get. Discontinued items and holiday drops are items that can no longer be obtained through the game and, therefore, their numbers are not increasing. However, some of these items may still be obtained through trading with other players. These items are now very few in number and are very expensive. Most of these items are holiday drops that were released years ago.
These rares are also a very important part of RuneScape's economy, many players work hard with skills to achieve a long-term goal of owning a rare and discontinued holiday item. For the most part rares either hold their value or grow, like that of a stock. In some special occasions, such as the "Unbalanced Trade Removal" update the price of rares will drop, but players can be certain that if they hold a rare long enough it will eventually be worth it because no more rares will ever enter the economy. Items such as Armadyl Godswords and Divine Spirit Shields have high prices compared to other non-discontinued items, but will eventually fall because it is possible to get more of them. In the case of tradeable holiday items, this is not a possible reason for the price to decrease.
If you notice these you will avoid many problems which will puzzled you play game of runescape. So you can pay attention of the news of runescape. If you you want to play runescape game?Welcome to our website for runescape gold and runescape power leveling service.You can come and have a look!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Survival guide of Tactics!

If you are planning on entering the Wilderness, it is a good idea to know a few hints and tips to keep you as safe as possible.
If you are skulled, you will lose all of your items. To combat this, it is suggested that you use the Protect Item prayer to keep one item (your most valuable item in your inventory/being worn).
It is a good idea to bring as few items as possible, especially if you have a low combat level or constitution level. Travelling light is the best tactic.
Revenants, although dangerous, are not the most common monsters in the Wilderness, so there is no need to panic about them in particular. However, if one does attack you, it pays to be prepared. A comprehensive guide to avoiding revenants, including a map of hotspots, spawns and patrol zones, can be found at the respective page.
Jennica's Ring is very helpful. If you happen to see a portal that looks like the one from Spirit of Summer and Summer's End, walk on top of it, and operate the ring in your worn inventory. You will teleport to the Spirit Realm which is not in the Wilderness, and therefore most creatures cannot follow you there. You may teleport out of the Spirit Realm regardless of what level you were in. However, you cannot teleport to the Spirit Realm if you are currently teleblocked.
If you are travelling through the Wilderness but do not intend to fight anything, it is often a good idea to wear as little as possible and equip Boots of Lightness, carry teleportation runes, a Forinthry bracelet, food and other weight reducing equipment. In this situation, run as far as you can and proceed with caution.
If you are feeling jittery because of a low level or previously bad experiences, keep an eye on your minimap for yellow dots.
It is very possible, and not uncommon, to travel all the way through the Wilderness relatively unscathed, and certainly without encountering many, if any, revenants, so keep an eye out for them, but don't panic.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wood trees and fruit trees in Farm.

Growing trees and fruit trees are completely different to other plants, in that there is an intermediate growing stage where the seeds must be grown into a sapling before being planted into a cleared patch.
First, an empty plant pot may be used on any farming patch, even if something is growing in it, with a gardening trowel in the player's inventory to fill the plant pot with soil. Use a single seed on a filled plant pot with the gardening trowel still in the player's inventory and water it with a watering can.
At this point, the seed has grown into seedling. After a few minutes, the seedling will grow into a sapling, which can then be planted in a cleared patch. In order to do this, the player must have a spade in their inventory. Add compost or supercompost to the cleared patch before transplanting the sapling. Seedlings and saplings are unable to become diseased while growing in a plant pot. However, once a sapling is planted in a patch, it can become diseased and needs to be protected using the methods in the section, keeping the crops alive. Seedlings and saplings are not tradeable.
Like bushes, major experience is gained in the Farming skill by checking on the tree's or fruit tree's health, not in planting it or harvesting its fruit (see Seed Table).

Harvest the food when you have farm.

Players can harvest grown crops by clicking on the patch when it is fully grown. Harvesting of allotments, herbs and hops requires a spade in the player's inventory. Fruit trees, bushes, and flowers do not require any type of tools; they are picked by hand. If your inventory becomes full while harvesting, the Tool leprechaun will note them. This is accomplished by using the harvest on the Tool leprechaun, this includes clean herbs as well. Wielding Magic secateurs will increase the amount you can harvest from your allotment, herb, and hops by 10%. Only willow branches are harvested in the wood tree family. Otherwise, a wood tree is cut down to obtain logs and dug up to obtain roots.
For the majority of plants, the amount of produce harvested is affected by the player's Farming level, whether or not they are using Magic secateurs or an Amulet of nature, and the quality of the compost applied.
Note: Harvesting of bushes, fruit trees, allotments, flowers, hops, and herbs only requires clicking once as of the update which occurred on 6 October 2009. In addition to the auto re-pick function, the animation for picking herbs from patches was also updated.

Runescape skill of Fishing and fishing history.

Fishing was one of the first skills to be available in RuneScape, released on 11 June 2001. It is also one of the most common activities. Fishing lets players catch fish from fishing spots. It is the companion skill of Cooking. Caught fish may be cooked using the Cooking Skill, and are often sold to other players because of their ability to heal Life Points. When a player has achieved level 99 in fishing he or she may purchase a Skillcape of Fishing from the Master Fisher inside the Fishing Guild for 99,000 coins. Please see the Fishing Skillcape article for more information. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at rank 2,000,000) on the hiscores for Fishing is level 57. As of 10 January 2011, there are 47,785 players that have achieved level 99 in Fishing.
The fishing skill was released on 11 June 2001, along with Karamja and the Pirate's Treasure quest. It was part of a large update that complemented the cooking skill. This update added many of the fish that are currently found in free-to-play, including shrimp, salmon, and lobster. In addition to the fishing spots on Karamja, spots in Draynor Village and Port Sarim were added.
On 27 February 2002, a members subscription service was created. Along with many new quests and fishing areas, big net fishing was released, which allowed players to catch bass, mackerel, and cod. In addition, players would sometimes fish up a casket. On 17 June 2002, the Fishing Guild was released. The Fishing Trawler activity was released on 28 July 2003. It allowed players to fish for manta rays and sea turtles.
On 3 July 2007, Barbarian Fishing was added to the game. This included Heavy Rod Fishing and Barbarian Hand Fishing. Heavy Rod Fishing allows players to catch Leaping trout, Leaping salmon and Leaping sturgeon. Barbarian Hand Fishing gives the ability to fish using bare hands, as opposed to using a harpoon.
On 17 September 2009, a major update to the fishing skill came in the form of the Living Rock Caverns. Players could fish for cavefish and rocktail, two of the highest-healing fish in the game. Fish Flingers, the first fishing distraction and diversion, was released on 23 March 2010. Less than a month later, Dungeoneering was released, which created ten different kinds of fish.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thieving skill of Runescape.

It is said on 10th January 2011, it is nearly 20,608 players of runescape have achieved level 99 in thieving, it is the same as hunting, thieving and hunting are belongs to members-only skill, if you want to have or using the skill that you should become a member of runescape. As you become member of runescape you will obtain many permission which just by member-only use. Here I will introduce the skill of thieving for you who want to know it, you can go on read the following words.
Thieving is a members-only skill that allows players to obtain coins and items by stealing from market stalls,chests, or by pickpocketing non-player characters. This skill may be tired of free players, because they think it is unfair for them have no right to do the things which members-only can do. But the game rulers are allows them to do this. Thieving skill also allows players to unlock doors and disarm traps. The current minimum requirement to be ranked on the hiscores for thievingis level 30.
Here you can know something about pickpocket, this is the act of walking up to an non-player character and right-clicking them, then selecting Pickpocket. But you should pay attention when non-player character to notice a pickpocket, in that case the NPC will yell"what do you think you're doing?", or a master farmer will say "what are you doing in my pockets?" and will stun you for a few seconds and cause 10-50 life points(the higher the NPC's level, the harder they hit). If yo u successful, you will gain thieving experience and possibly coins or various items. The higher the thieving level, the more NPCs  the player is able to pickpocket from.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Runescape of Dwarven Mine

Requires lvl 15 Dungeoneering to enter, but contains 3 silver rocks, 13 coal rocks and 6 mithril rocks, along with a bank deposit box. This mining location is by far the closest location to a bank/deposit box in Runescape, and therefore it is a very favourable place to mine, especially in free to play servers.
Living Rock Caverns
The living rock cavern has Concentrated coal rocks and Concentrated gold rocks, which can be mined for multiple amounts of ore, gaining fast amounts of experience, and with the nearby deposit box, you gain good amounts of money from it. You need 77 and 80 Mining for coal and gold respectively.
Arzinian Mine
After completing the Between a Rock... quest, members can access the largest gold mine in the game, with over 100 gold rocks. Players must talk to Dondakan while wearing a Gold helmet in order to access it. To leave the mine, simply remove the helmet or log off and log in again. The mine is very far from a bank; however, a short ways away, there is a dwarf who will deliver Gold ore to the bank for you in exchange for a 20% cut of the profits, rounded up. The fee is halved if the player is wearing a Ring of Charos.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to Become a Prayer in runescape.

Prayer is a skill that allows players to use prayer(s) to generate advantages in combat. The ability to do so is achieved through evoking the power of certain gods of RuneScape. All players start with limited access to the Prayer skill. As one's Prayer level increases, they gain access to new prayers. As players traverse the land and complete many adventures, they find themselves presented with the opportunity to gain the prayers and blessings of various gods such as Zaros, who is related to RuneScape's deep past, and Saradomin, the god of order. Some of the strongest prayers are only available after doing certain member quests. Prayer is difficult to train in Free-to-play, because the most amount of experience granted in Free-to-Play comes from big bones, which give only 15 experience.
Prayer, unlike most skills that are directly related to their name, cannot be trained just through the act of "praying." In fact, Prayer almost completely relies on the act of burying bones to gain experience. Prayer is currently the slowest skill (according to player polls) to raise as a free player. However, its benefits in combat can be exceedingly useful, especially amongst members. Through various members' benefits, Prayer can become much faster and easier to raise on member servers. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at rank 2,000,000) on the hiscores for Prayer is level 43. As of 09 January 2011, there are 22,300 players that have achieved level 99 in Prayer.

Weapon of ranged in runescape.

RuneScape characters are inferred to be right-handed, as all main actions are performed by the right-hand. However, when ranging, characters hold their bows in their right hands and draw with their left hands; this is incorrect as a right-eye dominant ranger is supposed to hold his bow in his left hand and draw with his right. It is likely that this problem exists because left-handed animations would have to be created, since all other animations are created with the right-hand as the dominant hand.
Higher level bows can use increasingly powerful arrows. For example, shortbows made of the lowest level wood (normal) can only use Bronze or Iron arrows. Non-members can only use arrows up to Adamant with Maple shortbows or longbows.
The Crystal bow is a special type of bow. It degrades as it is used until it turns into a Crystal seed, much like Barrows armour. The Crystal bow can be obtained as an optional reward after completing the Roving Elves quest. It requires 70 Ranged and 50 Agility to wield.
Types of bows include shortbows, composite bows, and longbows. Longbows fire arrows farther, though they do not shoot as fast as shortbows. Composite bows are a compromise of power and speed, providing a balanced ranged style. It is usually recommended that players use a shortbow when ranging, especially when training, to deal more damage over time. However, a longbow may be advantageous in situations where distance is needed over firepower. For example, using a longbow while shooting from the battlements of Castle Wars will allow players to hit targets who cannot be reached with a shortbow.

Something of Runescape Ranged

It is not strange for you to know ranged. Ranged is a combat class that, similar to Magic, allows players to attack enemies from a distance. Players who train Ranged are often referred to as rangers or archers. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at rank 2,000,000) on the hiscores for Ranged is level 55. As of 09 January 2011, there are 79,890 players that have achieved level 99 in Ranged. According to the RuneScape combat triangle, Range is effective against Magic, and weak against Melee. Ranger armour provides high defence against Magic, but is relatively weak against Melee. Range does however have the advantage of having an extremely high accuracy for each level.
To the right of the Inventory button is the equipment menu. Here, players can see their statistical bonuses. Ranged armour has some of the highest magic defence bonuses, along with giving a range attack bonus and defence bonus.
Ranged combat, like magic, allows players to attack from afar. This makes it possible to avoid taking any damage by hiding behind an object that the player can shoot over but their target cannot get around. Places that this can be done are called 'safe spots'. Ranged is a favoured attack choice in PvP worlds - it's fast, accurate, and could kill someone in a matter of seconds. Ranged is also found to cost less than Magic.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Train cooking tips!!!

Going to the rogues den and cooking lobsters/tuna/swordfish (there is a bank nearby) is a good way to train cooking skill. For lower levels is to go to the Gunnarsgrunn fishing spot. Then on a quiet world collect the fish that fisherman drop and cook that fish on the fireplace in the Peksa's Helmet Shop in Gunnarsgrunn, or simply bring supplies to create a fire from a nearby tree and cook what you gather than drop it or bank it. This is also helpful to do on World 1 (F2P) or 2 (P2P), and just ask for raws. If you are doing this enough, you will begin to gain community recognition and once the raw givers start to recognise you, they may give to you more often.
As a higher level is to go to Musa Point in Karamja (where F2P players fish for raw swordfish and lobsters) and pick up dropped raw tuna and lobsters. Simply use the ship in Port Sarim, paying the 30gp fee(or wearing ring of charos(a) for free) to travel back and forth between ports (or using the Explorer's ring 3 teleport). Take the raws to the range in Port Sarim and cook the fish, then deposit them in the deposit box next to the Monks of Entrana. Going back and forth, taking the discarded raws, cooking them, and banking them for later sale is good money, but slower experience. Also, for faster money tips, go west of the general store on Musa Point. The man named Stiles will note your cooked or uncooked fish. This can allow players to have large amounts of fish before going back to Port Sarim. Or bring along a hatchet and some logs and cook fish on-the-spot. Then bank or sell for profit to nearby store.
For members is to steal fish from the fish monger in Rellekka then cook them at the nearby range. You may choose to drop these or deposit them to Peer the Seer if you are wearing Fremennik boots.

How to cook?

If this is your first time cooking, following these steps for maximum effect:
1). Cook on the Lumbridge range, as there is a bank directly upstairs.
2). If you do not want to spend much money in this skill, you can kill cows and cook the raw meat on the range or a fire.
Cooking is known as one of the fastest skills to train in RuneScape, as players can cook in many different ways as well as being able to simply buy their raw food items from the Grand Exchange. Before the Grand Exchange was created, the bulk of players usually fished and then cooked their catches. Generally a player who is manually gathering their raw items will cook their food items on a local campfire created through the Fire making skill near where they are gathering, or take the items they have obtained to a range and cook there. Ranges (which provide a lower burn rate) can be easily located and are almost always well labeled on the map as a cooking pan icon. There are other assorted things that a player can cook on, such as Sulphur Vents, Permanent Campfires as seen in NPC camps, or on Iron Spits. It is important to note that only meat, fish and stew can be cooked on an open fire. Foods like bread, cake, and pie must be cooked on a proper range, Most of these food items will generate an error message if the player attempts to cook it improperly. Raw foods loosely related to hunting, such as raw beast meat, raw chompy, and rabbit must be cooked on an iron spit.
To actually cook something, players have to "use" their raw food item on a range or a campfire. If they have more than one food item of the same kind in their inventory, a picture of the food item will appear in the dialogue box. The player can right click on the picture and select how much he/she wants to cook from the up/down icon on the upper-right corner. By default, you cook all the selected raw/uncooked item.

Something of cooking.

When you play runescape game you will find there are many skills and many types of food in runescape, so you should know the function of cooking. The Cooking skill is used to prepare raw food for a number of reasons, including restoring life points and the temporary boosting of skill levels. There are many different types of food in RuneScape, each healing a certain amount of life points. However, as with all skills, players must reach certain levels to cook the various types of foods. Cooking is a very popular skill to raise. Cooking can generate a great profit as many players are willing to purchase food already cooked, especially those who cannot actually prepare higher level foods. Cooking also has a larger variety of training options than any other skill.
Cooking is considered by most players to be one of if not actually the easiest skill to train. This is due to being able to simply buy the items they want to cook from the grand exchange and then cook it merely a few feet away. Unfortunately this method will usually not generate a profit for the player, actually requiring a rather large investment. As such, a multitude of wealthier players are often seen training cooking this way, while less fortunate players are forced to manually gather their raw foods. As of 22 December, 2010 there are 206 players that have received 200,000,000 experience in Cooking. As of 08 January 2011, there are 148,316 players that have achieved level 99 in Cooking. This makes it the second most common 99 skill, after Strength.The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at rank 2,000,000) on the hiscores for Cooking is level 56.

The skills of Runescape.

As you know a game player should manage the game skills then they will play games easy. Skills are a Runescape player's basic abilities that may be developed throughout the game. Here I will introduce some information about the runescape skills which may help you when you play the game.
Skills are trained by various actions which relate to that skill, usually just using the skill, which gives experience in the skill, or by using items like experience lamps, which give various amounts of experience in skills of your choice, until enough experience is earned to advance to the next level. Some skills allow players to cook, chop down trees, make fires, use magic, make runes, and so on. I will introduce one by one for you in the following articles. Some skills support each other. For example, logs obtained from Woodcutting can be used for Fire making, and fires from Fire making can be used for Cooking food, and food can be used to replenish life points to help in Combat. The higher your levels are the more of the skill you will have access to.
With the release of Dungeoneering, there are now nearly 25 skills in Runescape. Members have access to all 25 skills, while free-to-play can only access 16 skills, with less content and advantages (especially towards the higher levels). If you have interesting with the article or you want to know more about the information of the game you can go on browse the article what I will show for you in the next article.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Details of Runescape (attack style)!!!

  Some weapons hit harder than others, and some hit low, but are fast. There are other factors that can increase your attack percentages. Attack styles determine how much damage you produce, and how much experience you gain. Attack styles are important to understand before you go into combat. Runescape has a variety of weapons and weapon styles. I will go over the different weapons and their uses in this article. All the weapons on runescape have different uses and different types of attacks.
  Aggressive attack style helps you raise your strength skill. You get four experience points per damage point given to your opponent. Your third attack style is the defensive style. The defensive style increases your chance of blocking, and raises your defense skill. Defensive style is slightly slower than accurate, but you can't tell the difference. Defensive style is useful when you are fighting an opponent doing double the damage you deal to him. You get four experience points per damage point you deal to your opponent. The fourth attack style is controlled. Controlled gives you experience in all 3 of your skills.
  It gives 1.33 experience points to attack, defense, and strength per damage point given to your opponent. There are four main attack styles on Runescape. If you click your cross swords in your hub, then you can see the variety of attack styles. The most common style used by people is accurate. Accurate won't help you level your skills such as defense or strength. Accurate helps raise your attack skill. You get four experience points per damage point given. Aggressive is stronger than accurate, but a little inaccurate. It is also slower, giving your opponent to attack more than once before you hit them again.

For Player who Desire Runescape Axe !

  Though the battleaxe is one of the slower weapons  in the game, it is also among the hardest hitters. In terms of strength, they come second to two-handed swords, but have a decent slash attack and an acceptable crushing secondary attack. The main advantage of the battleaxe over the two-handed sword in terms of battle abilities is that the battleaxe is a one-handed weapon, meaning that you can combine it with a shield for added defense and to gain any stat bonuses that the shield would convey.Battleaxes are a great weapon to use if you are about to battle a heavily armored opponent and can be bought from the Grand Exchange for anywhere between 15 coins for the basic Bronze Battleaxe to 120,800 coins for the Dragon Battleaxe.
  Keep in mind that accuracy is the key to this weapon over strength, though, so you need to ensure that you have a pretty good attack level. So, naturally, the key to wielding the battleaxe effectively would be to make every hit count. One of the drawbacks of the battleaxe is that it gives the target a lot of time to recover between strikes, meaning that a swifter foe will be able to strike you twice for every one time you hit.
  If you feel like buying this weapon, you can always head to Brian's Battleaxe Bazaar in Port Sarim, or Bob's Brilliant Axes in Lumbridge, if you are looking for an in-game store, and there is always the ever-available Grand Exchange. Also always keep in mind that the battle-ax is one-handed, so you can always pick up a decent shield to supplement your defense if you feel like your opponent is still getting one too many strikes in.

Magic land of runescape!

Once you get to the land of snow you will need to navigate an ice field in order to reach the cave entrance. Inside the cave is a huge room made up of ice. Your mission is to now make it across this huge room to the exit on the other side; a lot easier than it sounds. You accomplish this by using all the obstacles in the room to stop your slides; this way you maneuver from one side of the room to the other. You won't be able to go in a straight line so this is where your puzzle skills will come into force; you will need to choose horizontal and diagonal slides. You will have six more rooms in which to perform similar puzzles while making your way from one side to the other.
This is a medium difficulty challenge but you will have to solve quite a few puzzles. If you take the quest to find some stones for Jack he promises to reward you with an experience lamp. In order to get to the land of snow you can either track down the head snow imp or go to the basement of the Wizard's tower and teleport from there; you will have to use the phrase "Ectosum glissendo".
At last you will come to the sixth room you will be about to start your slide maneuvers as normal but you will be interrupted by a Yeti. He shouts as you and you will have to retreat out of the room; this leaves you in a predicament because you now can't use the main entrance to get through the sixth room. Don't despair though because there is another way. You will find some large stones and what you need to do is move these around until they fit into the gaps; while you are moving them you are creating a path. If you want to push a block you need to make sure that you are standing on firm ground; otherwise you will just slide all over the place.
RuneScape Myths of the White Lands is a members only quest that was first added back in 2008. The mission is given by explorer Jack who will be waiting for you just west of Lumbridge general store. He has heard that there is many riches and much magic to be found in the Land of Snow. He heard all this from a snow imp and now wants you to go and investigate.
Eventually you will find yourself back in the previous room; your aim now is to reach the ledge in the Northwest corner of the room. Pay close attention to the wall and you can pick up 20k woodcutting XP. Once you have made it along the ledge you will find a crevice and you need to squeeze through this back to the Yeti; don't worry he can't see you. You will find a pipe and if you shout into this you will scare the Yeti. You then work your back until you are back down with the Yeti; he is unconscious and you take the stones and return to explorer Jack. RuneScape Myths of the White Lands is now complete.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

RuneScape Guide of Swept Away

Nice day today and I will give you a  great news about RuneScape Swept Away is that it is no longer just for members only. This game was released especially for Halloween 2008 so as you would expect there is lots of spooky action to be enjoyed. You can enjoy the game with your friends and your relatives. Your aim is to help a witch find special ingredients that she needs to add to her cauldron; if you take on this mission she will reward you with some of her potion. A fair exchange for this short and easy task and she will also give you a broom. You will find the witch, whose name is Maggie, in Draynor Village.
You will find a trapdoor south of her house. There you will find somebody called Gus who has a problem with mislabeled crates; just examine the animals and re-label the crates - easy. You will be rewarded with a newt and when you take this back to Hetty she will give you a potion for your broom.
And you will to go speak with Betty who lives in Port Sarim. You will first need to speak to Lottie though and she will give you another animal related puzzle. This one is a bit harder than the last and you will need to pick creatures up one at a time and put them where they need to go. No two animals can be in the same area together and if you mess up they will run away and you will need to start over. You have to put the animals in the area that best suits them. Once you have done this you will find a chest containing a wand which you then take back to Betty.
Your next destination will be Draynor Village where you will want to find Aggie who teleports you to another location. She too will want some assistance before she is willing to help you. Your quest will be to create four triangles by removing lines of sand; fairly straight forward and you just need to sweep away a few of the lines. Once you have completed this task your broom will gain some magic and you then be teleported back to Draynor Village.
You are now ready to go back to Maggie and help her finish the potion in the cauldron. Once you begin talking to her she will allow you to stir the contents. You have now completed RuneScape Swept Away and you are ready to collect your reward. She will give you ten bowls of goulash which will increase your skill level ten-fold - not bad for such a relatively straightforward adventure.

The Ruler of Runescape Blood!!!

As you know the ruler of RuneScape Blood is the first free quest since the Rune Mysteries back in 2003. If you have obtained 300 points elsewhere in the world you are then ready to begin the Blood Pact. The whole thing is quite straight forward and it shouldn't tax you too much. Here I will show some details for you which will show the ruler of runescape blood.
It starts in the Lumbridge Graveyard; here you will meet Xiena and she wastes no time telling you about her current problems. Apparently she has found out that some Zamorak cultists have taken another girl hostage. If you agree to take this mission you will then get to see a cut scene where a girl called Illona is taken hostage by three members of the Zamorak Cult.
At the beginning of the RuneScape the Blood Pact Quest you walk into a room but before you can do anything one of the cultists will hit Xiena. You are now left to fight Kayle alone, but it shouldn't prove too much of a problem. He has a combat level of 3 and if you somehow get too injured you can turn to Xiena who will be able to cure you. Kayle has twenty life points and you just need to keep running at him; if you want you can use the pillars for cover. Once you dispatch him make sure that you take the weapons; you will need these later in the quest. You should also remember to question Kayle before leaving this room; you will find out about the planned ritual.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The details of food to add hit point.

As you play runescape you will meet some problems and you will have puzzled and if you have system knowledge of runescape I believe you will have a good future when you play the game.
As you know the beef will add you 3 hit point, trout will bring you 7 hit point and the same as the half an apple pie will also provide 7 hit point for you, a slice of cake will give you 5 hit point. You can get more information when you play it by yourself.
Here some one also want to know if I want to kill dragon which food I will take will be the best? Here I will give you some details, if you a member of runescape you can follow the two ways and you should pay attention that suit for member.
One way is take monkfish, as the monkfish are just need you pay about 300-370Gp, so it is the best choice for you to bring monkfish when you want to kill dragon, when you use the monkfish by one time it will recover your 16 hit point, you also can bring a bottle of energy potion and strength potion, that will give you more help.
The second way is you can carry Pineapple pizza and it will spend you about 500Gp, but if you use it in time it will give you 22 hit point as you use by twice. Here you should pay attention if you will kill the dragon which in the wilderness, you should make sure your prayer at above 37 and for the best are 43, or you will easy to be killed by Revs, if you want to choose the dragon you should select the level at 89-91, then the Rev won’t attack you.
You should notice you won’t kill at the PVP world, otherwise you will be killed.

Runescape air altar, combining magic ore, buy robe of magician

If you are fan of runescape you will notice the runescape tips for player, that will make you more convenient when you play games. So you can pay attention to the following words.
 It is a good day today, and hope you can have a nice day. Today I will give you some tips about the Air altar in runescape and how to combining the magic ore and if you want to need a robe of magician you can go on the next words. At the first you should know air altar at the southwest of Falador, you can go according south gate and go straight the road until you meet the three turning now you should pay attention you should select the west turning and walk along the road in a few minutes you will find the air altar is in the front of your eyes. If you near to the wirzards, you can select the north way and you still will find the place you are looking for.
As following I will give you tips about how to combining magic ore. If you have carry a air tiara which you can buy it on GE. If you have not carry it you won’t enter into the altar, your basket will bring rune essence and if you get the altar you can click the basket and you will enter into, if you click it again you will find the rune essence will become air rune, hope it will do you a favor.
If you want to have a clothe of magician in runescape you can go on read the words you can select grand exchange at the first selection and enter into wizard robe then it will shows all kind of robe for you select.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The information of Runescape money making guide!!!

If you want to make your runescape game become more convenient you should take manage some knowledge of runescape money making guide. If you really like creating funds, you must go through Runescape Money Making Guide. This could be the best way for you, the manual that I've been making use of for myself to earn large sums of funds. Runescape Money Making Guide is so very much a lot more than what you think mainly because when I got myself a copy, I by no means believed these secrets is going to be revealed as simply because it did in Runescape Money Making Guide. It astonished me how very much I don't know about creating funds is proper here in Runescape Money Making Guide. You is going to be astonished and blown away by how very much detail there's in this manual and only this manual has the intimate details on creating funds phase by phase.
Runescape Money Making Guide is your supreme manual to creating millions and that's rest assured. No other funds creating manual may be as fantastic as Runescape Money Making Guide. Only this a single has marvelously modified my life into some thing else. Runescape Money Making Guide is completely the real offer.
If you want to know more about runescape gold and runescape powerleveling, you can browse the website I have referring to.

How to learn agility!

The player which play runescape game, he want to know how to learn agility and where can learn it? For I am also not understand and I just know you can went to train area, if you want to know where the train area, you can find it in world map, or you can click the skill frame of agility, then you will find the corresponding train area, I believe if you are smart enough you can get arrival the area, and if I were you I will select the gnome training area for doing agility training. You should pay attention, you should pay a little fees for to become member.
There are also someone ask me how earn money quickly? As you know there are many website will give you this service but if I were you I will select the website of the website is my friends tell me and it was a professional website which will provide runescape gold, runescape powerleveling, runescape money and runescape accounts. If you have interesting you can have a look, it will give you home service. And it the beginning of 2011 they will give you some additional things when you want to some will help you.
So, just went to the website and have a look, you will enjoy the special service and you will get the information what you want to get.

Monday, January 3, 2011

For Runescape new player (To improve your skills)

Here you have ready to leave the basement, you can follow the arrows and you will near to the iron door, open the door and talk with a warrior who carry a cutlery and shield, when finished the talk, the area where for you control will have bright to wave, the place is for you to carrying your weapon and you can take your dagger and go on speak with the warrior, then he will give you a bronze sword and wooden shield, if you click them you will wear them, at the same time your fighting area will have bright wave, after your click, there are four items for you select they are stab, lunge, slash, and block, you can do the train as following steps at first you can train attack, following things are improve your strength and at last is train your block, train attack for improve your degree of accuracy of your attack. And the strength train are order to improve your limit of attack, when you fight with others they will lose blood as many as possible, many people are specially like to train the skill. Block can prevent you from the fight hurt and decrease your blood missing.
As you know the function, you can follow the arrows and open the door, enter into cage, click mouse which arrows point to, and you will begin to kill mouse, if you lose much blood you can click the food which you make at first such as bread and shrimp, they will bring blood for you, bread will give you 4blood, shrimp will give you 3 blood, after you kill the mouse, you can pick up the bone, click the bone in right key of your mouse, to select the first items to bury the bone, then you can train your prayer skill, prayer skill will improve your attack and your block skills in short times.

For Runescape New Player(Get basic skills in runescape)!

At the past article I have notice some tips for runescape new player, here you will find that just a part of the game, you will get more information about the game when you read the following articles, and if you have questions you can contact with me, and I will do my best to help you!
Here you can notice the article which will introduce the skills that you want to know, and I hope you can get help from my blog! After you open the door and you can speak the cook and he will give you a pail of water and a pot of flour, then you can click the pail and flour, then the dough been make out, you click the dough then as following states some will make bread, if you did it well and the cook will give you the same things and you can do the step once again and your cook will upgrade to 2, as the following step across the door and go to north enter to another room.
As you enter the room and speak with the person, click all of the point which are flicker, along with the ladder enter into the basement, talk with the miner, when you see the arrows you can when to there, click your right key on the ore, choose the second prospect rock, then you go to another stone, repeat the things you did just now. Then you speak to the miner, he will give you the tools to dig, as the arrows pointing began to dig the mine, you can get the two kinds of ore, go to the smelter and click the one of it, click the smelter make them become cooper block, then you can go to the miner and he will give you a hammer, follow the arrows go to the forge iron store, to click the cooper block and click the forge iron store it will appear a windows you can select dagger and you will get it, and if you follow the arrows, you will entre into another area.
If you want to train your dig mining and your smithing skill, you can stay here and the place are very convenience place for you to mining and smithing, you can upgrade your level very fast especially for you to improve your smithing. If you want to leave train area and you won’t want to stay at basement for dig mine and smithing you can follow the next step which will shows for you on the next article.

Runescape task for new player!!!

At first if you want to start the game of runescape you should have a little knowledge about the game, when you entre the game you can train your hobbies and you also can practice everything here I will state from the beginning of the game, when you entre the game you will meet the train room at there you won’t train level you just complete task as following steps, first you can talk with someone and you won’t care what they said talk fast and then you follow the arrowhead on the door, open the door and you will find a person and you should talk with him then he will give you a axe and matchbox, you can click axe then you go on click a tree, if you do the things, congratulations!
As the follow things, you are beginning to cut wood and if your baskets have enough wood, you can click the matchbox and click wood, the fire will be created. Then you can speak with another person and he will give you fishing net, so you can use it to the river and if you seeing the place where twinkling to shrimp, if you got it you can went to the fire and click fire and shrimp, it will began to bake, but I should tell you if you burned in roasting of baking you should repeat it again, until the shrimp is golden then you can go out. And you can notice the map of the page, and it will tell you should go where, and click the cursor open the door and you will find the room.