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runescape items

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Real emotion get what?

I do not believe destiny of mine, I believe that I have my own ideas in my life, so I just want to find that I will get my love with a girl whom I loved and she will be love me to, but in the fact, as I began to find my love, I always find that it is hard for me to find a girl who will make me fall in love with her, so I just want to get my emotion in some day, I know that need chance for me to do that, and I just waiting time and I know I will get my love in someday runescape gold and runescape powerleveling. I always be refused in my life and I began to give up, I find it is really not worth me to do things in my life, and then I began to play the game of runescape, I just want to get runescape gold to reduce my sad in game world, but I find it is really difficult for me to forget the things which I have meet.
I know that I have my own opinion in my emotion, so when I meet some girls I just want to say that is not real love in my life, I hope that some day I will get the emotion which I want to have, at least the girl should be my love, I hope if there is a person who can give me suggest and other actions which can give me some inflection, but when I meet the people I know she is not have emotion with me, at then I feel sad, I know that the person whom I refused are have the same feeling with me, now I want to say sorry for thoes girls. I believe if I accept the girl's love I will cheat her and I know that we will not happiness in our next life, and I just want to find a person that whom I love and I have all my emotion to that girl, so I know it is hard for me to have a girlfriend in my life, that is very hard for me to do things in my life. I was boring for my life and I hope if I have chance I want to go aboard and I hope that I can do something for others.
As I play the game of runescape, I know that some of the person are in the same age with me, some of them are have the same problems with me, we know that because all of us are in the special world and our thinking have been changed, some of us have no other things to do, for our loney and boring with our life, we are hope that there are a good way for us to waste our time, so the game of runescape deal with the problems for us, we know that there is no good way except play game of runescape for us in this world.

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