runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Monday, March 21, 2011

The speed of runescape respawns.

Spawning of players in RuneScape occurs when a player first logs in. they respawn in Lumbridge after dying. Logging on is not spawning as you remain in the same place as where you logged out.
Some players will lie in wait around spawn points to kill NPCs as they spawn, a common practice known as spawn camping. Spawn points for in-game objects are often used in a similar fashion runescape gold and runescape powerleveling. Similarly, the word respawn can be used to describe an item or NPC that reappears in the same area after it has been picked up or killed (respectively). An example of this would be two or more people fighting over a mining node. They each wanted to mine the ore, but they have to wait for it to respawn. This is when one of those "No! It's mine!" moments occurs.
The speed of respawns varies directly to the amount of players in a world. In other words, the more people in a world, the faster spawns are there. This applies to trees, rocks, and monsters, in addition to item spawns. A player wishing to obtain multiple items from a spawn point might want to pick a world with just under 2000 players in order to get the items faster, as long as no other players are there. Dragonhide armour seemed to make no difference from Rune armour in protecting against her assumed Magical attacks, as she can hit constant 130s on either armour, later proven after the Hitsplat Update to be Ranged attacks. The collector should also have a high Defence level, as she can also hit up to 130 with her melee attacks.
Various items in the game also have set spawn points where they appear after being picked up by a player. For example, chaos runes respawn in the Wilderness where moss giants also reside, and bones respawn in the graveyard by Clan Wars.

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