runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The skills of get runescape gold.

I find if you are luck you will get many mine for your character which will bring more runescape gold for your account. You should know that the mine are not easy to get sometime when you work hard but you will get little or nothing mine in the game, so some of the players are thinking that if you went to mining that just like you to gambing, if you luck you will get the things for your character, if you unlucky you will get nothing except disappoint in the game.
When I get the place I find the players are working hard for to get mine, one of the players chating with me that he have mining for several days and he have get nothing in his bag, he just want to give up, but after a while, he told me that he find a big mine in the game, then he will sell it and he will get millions gold from the mining, I think that how lucky for him to get the mine. And I want to do the same thing if I can not get mine I will not get out to do other things, so I bagain to do mining in the game, then I find that I have lucky enough after a while, I get the mine then I sell the mine, and using other mine as material for my equipment. After that, when I have no runescape gold I will went to the place to mining.
Fishing is a basic skill for you to manage, for you manage it you can have enough food then can keep your enegy for your character in the game, then you can enjoy your happiness journey in the game of runescape, some of the other players are spend runescape gold to buy food, if you manage the skill of fishing and cooking you will save runescape gold for you to get other necessary things.

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