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runescape items

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pure essence in runescape.

After that, members needed Pure essence to craft runes that were only craftable by members. Since they were the majority of the buyers, the demand of Pure essence went up, while the demand of Rune essence (which uses were limited to the six basic runes) dropped runescape gold. This benefited member essence miners and non-member runecrafters, while it hurt non-member essence miners and member runecrafters. Additionally, non-members who had bought essence before the update lost money value due to the drop in price of Rune essence. Members who had previously bought Rune essence were saved from this blow because all their essence was automatically converted into Pure essence.
However, real world traders obtained member accounts in order to mine and trade Pure essence (now higher in price than Rune essence), and because many of them used fraudulent credit card numbers to pay for those accounts, the Pure essence update became one of the causes of the RWT credit card fraud problem, suggesting that the update had a reverse effect than what was originally intended.
On 10 December 2007 runescape powerleveling, many macro users disappeared from the game following a swift series of changes designed for their elimination, which caused the price of Pure essence to skyrocket from a low of 80 coins to more than 140 each. The price has also dropped when The Great Orb Project activity was released since one of the buyable rewards was Pure essence. This price has recently been fluctuating, and is now around 91 coins each on the Grand Exchange.

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