runescape items

runescape items
runescape items

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New policy for runescape players.

Today I have note a new situation which are popular online. For runescape game player more and more player are willing to the wilderness and free trade for to have try get more awards, and if you want to have a try and you think you are lucky enough then you can went to the place and then you can get the goods and equipment which you want to get.
If you have know the dangrous you will know that keep safe in the wilderness is important and you should grasp the details of staying safe in the wilderness. In the place it has so many unknowing things so you should pay more attention. There are several exits that lead out of the Wilderness runescape gold and runescape powerleveling, and each of these could easily be used to escape combat. To discourage this behaviour - so that almost all PvP battles end with a victor - it has been made impossible to access the following areas unless you have been out of combat for ten seconds: Corporeal Beast's lair, Daemonheim's west gate exit, The frozen fortress in the Deep Wilderness, Mage Arena, Trollheim beacon ladder, it is important for you to know that Wilderness portals cannot be accessed if you have been in combat for the last 10 seconds, and you may not use them if you have been recently teleblocked.
For you enter into the place of wilderness then you have chance to get runescape items and you also will lose your equipment and other runescape items in the place. If you unluckly you will die in the wilderness and you will know the knowledge of the following things.
Once you have entered these worlds, you will be unable to activate the Protect Item prayer or curse while in the Wilderness. So, the place are dangrous place you can think it carefully and then you can decided whether you will go to the wilderness.

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